Administering your Payroll can be time consuming and burdensome, diverting energy and resources from the core activities of your business. And the task is made all the more difficult by the growing complexity of taxation and employment legislation and the accompanying regime of penalties for non-compliance.
Probably the most important area of your business that needs to be correct at all times. Paying staff the correct amount at the right time is essential to ensure there are no disruptions to your business. The legal requirements can be quite onerous and as an employer, you are expected to be aware of them. There are many issues to consider when completing the payroll and we find that businesses think they get it right, but more often than not they do not. We have found over the years that it is not always what is paid through the payroll that is wrong, it is what is paid that doesn’t go through the payroll that matters! H M Revenue and Customs take a hard line on these payments and they can result in the employer paying extra PAYE and national insurance in addition to what has been paid already.
Specialist Payroll Department
The dedicated payroll department at Pentegis will supply you with a fast, efficient and accurate payroll service, tailored to suit your needs. In addition, you will have access to the department’s knowledge and expertise, providing you with support and advice on all your payroll enquiries. You can be assured of our excellent standards of confidentiality, professionalism and security at all times, our payroll software is RTI compliant and HM Revenue & Customs approved. We aim to reduce your administration costs and paperwork, ensure that all legislative requirements are met, and allow you more time to concentrate on the key areas of your business.
Additional Support Services
As well as payroll, we also offer support services to compliment your payroll function, these include:-
No Obligation Quotation?
Send us an email via our contact page if you would like us to contact you to give you a no obligation estimate of our annual fees for running your payroll.